So what’s new with your favorite Christian Life Coaches aka Guided Steps Coaching? A TON! I’m not even sure where to start. This will hopefully be a updated biweekly at a minimum life coaching blog or life coaching website whichever you prefer to call it. Over the last year I’ve done a lot of work with justice involved individuals to help stay in recovery and out of jail, and something hit me. Although it has nothing to do with Christian life coaches like us, but it really does, a common theme has been to stick to what we know is right.
I did take a “sabbatical” of sorts and worked with very few clients over the last year balancing this and a new day job for the first time in ages. I considered walking away but like other Christian life coaches, something pulled me back in. The something was a love for God, an ability in helping people achieve results and a desire to do things differently than others. Taking a prompt from God, I’ll still absolutely be doing Christian life coaching in a hybrid where I also apply it to the secular world. Will it work? It already has ;-).

Biggest Difference Between Life Coaching and Christian Life Coaches?
Many life coaches actually do the same thing as we do with Christian life coaching believe it or not. Life coaching is when we get from where we are to a desired place of our choosing. Christian life coaches will help give you ideas, aspects and possibilities to pray on. As we invite the Holy Spirit into our coaching sessions, we allow God to show us where we need to go! A larger aspect of life coaching in a Christian sense is we seek not only result, but joy – one of the greatest (they’re all great, c’mon) gifts of the Holy Spirit which is… well joy!
Although it’s a lot tougher to do in the secular realm and could border on the idea of counseling*1, ways of thought, thinking, perspective and mindset are discussed. I’ll have to dig it up, however Christian life coaching/pastoral counseling I read had a significantly greater amount of “satisfaction” when used.
Misfit Mass! Church for the Unchurched is Where Our Christian Life Coaching Takes Hold!
Over the last year I started dabbling in more Christian life coaching by doing sermons. I’ve witnessed and seen what happens when the Bible is brought into our everyday lives. So to combine improving our lives with the proven truths of the Bible, I’ve began doing sermons online. The introduction will be in this post*2.
So What’s The Biggest Change in the Way We do Life Coaching and Guided Steps Coaching?
Still not entirely sold on that. What we were doing was working for a LOT of people! I was asked to key note (I hate traveling so that was an easy no), guest pastor (tough no) and speak more about Christian concepts (EASY yes!). Being said, aside from more frequent posts and potential “adjustments” to previous favorites the biggest change will be my scruffy mug giving videos. That’s mainly where I’ll REALLY be focusing on the Bible and Christ, so aside from a few videos you’ll still get what you’re accustomed to.
Considering I hate being on video as many know, I felt that one didn’t go too bad! I could have been more polished. The videos are pretty scatter brained and typically are under or around a half hour each. It’s a ministry sure, and if you’re not into the Biblical content, well I can’t deny my faith. However, I have a new goal to bring to life the Bible as in all my years between studying therapy and coaching through various systems I have not found anything nearly as reliable.
As I have lost a few clients, most are extremely intrigued, I will not push my faith. The concepts that work however will be discussed. Each video covers a bit of Scripture which I tie in to our brokenness. If you ever want to see what I’m like without buying a session (which are still reduced in number to prevent a price range which has not happened in almost 15 years!!) you get all of my personality in them! The topic of the video will be the topic of the post. Again, I have not found anything in decades of studying therapy, Christian life coaching or secular based life coaching that comes close.
Updates I am planning include for the Boundaries Book series we have. Another one will be for the 5 Productivity Minute Hack which I have been teaching regularly. And that’s that!
Other Updates from Your Favorite Christian Life Coach
A big reason I will be focusing more on this and less on the sessions is I truly want people to have help and solid advice available to them. I took the second job because I saw a panhandler in Fall River, Ma and it hit me “that’s who I want to help.” I did a deep dive and reflected and wondered why I as someone involved with Christian life coaching did not go after those who need it most. Now a day, who can afford over $125 no matter how helpful and beneficial the information is?
I will still absolutely be doing sessions, probably 20 per week at a maximum. However I am also open to the idea of bringing in other Christian life coaches that I vet. It is not set in stone but you could expect to see other coaches eventually. I’d love to focus on Christian life coaching and financial coaching which I never knew I enjoyed so much! Clients have seen very good to excellent progress in that area.
I will ALSO be giving away a free “life coaching” session. There’s a catch there, but it’s very reasonable. The course I made geared toward creating lasting change is something I truly believe in. For what you get out of it, it’s far cheaper than a movie for two or even a trip to McDonalds or Wendy’s! Although it’s not Christian life coaching, it’s a stellar academia backed course.
I am also debating between a few different not for profit companies or ministries I am deeply considering. They are mainly focused around the beatitudes and recovery. One in particular will be aimed toward reentry into a new sober life, another is focused around affordable living. The third one is still undecided, but watching the plights of this country and the residents trying but who cannot get ahead is breaking my heart.
So that’s where we stand! I may have been “gone” for a year, but it really was just a lack of time for writing and prioritizing where I placed the little time I have.
*1 I do practice pastoral counseling and have numerous times sent in referrals for traditional counselors.
*2 If you could like and subscribe to our channel that would be awesome! Why it’s important is beyond me, I’m just grateful to share the Word of God in a way most can understand.