
An Awesome Life Coaching Hack – The 5 Minute Rule

The Other Day Was Pretty Crappy

life coach hack life coaching time management productivity tool
Don’t pet me until you get stuff done!

Today I am going to share two AMAZING life coaching hacks with you, along with a story or two. When I first heard of the concept I am going to share with you many moons ago, I figured it was something stupid. You know, I knew everything back then. My life coach pushed me to utilize it, this was when we had owned a fitness center and at times I would do literally nothing. It turns out, when I’m in a productivity funk this life coaching hack is a game changer. If I let this life coaching hack become a game changer, because I’m human and sometimes can’t get out of my own way. However, I digress and today isn’t that type of day. The other day was, I saw where I went wrong, and adjusted yesterday. Regardless, I double digress. Oh, and I’ll give you a few ideas at the bottom of the page so you don’t hit the funk I did the other day, and if you do you can jump right out of it!

Always Be Prepared! But HOW?! Awesome Life Coaching Hack #1

If you’re anything like me, and chances you are, you need motivation at times. When my to-do list is 3 1/2 pages long, sometimes I will simply stare at it, go to Facebook (after the article make sure you check out our Guided Steps Coaching Facebook Page!). For me that means lists. My father once told me:

Nothing exists if it isn’t written down

My awesome dad Jim
life coach hack is a life coach worth it
I told you to make a list

What’s he know anyway? Apparently a LOT, plus he has tons of cool stories and is awesome all around. I digress, yet again. His idea of lists was another life coaching hack I have used many times over. It makes sense, there’s been times I have gone an entire day and gotten a TON done, but I didn’t accomplish things that led to stressful time management issues. I didn’t have a list. I know you’re like me with this, the store and not having a list. I go through so many figurative rabbit holes in the store it is crazy! I’m staying away from carbs but I will end up in the bakery, dog food aisle (and cat food), baby aisle (even though I’m not having any more kids), and even the toy aisle (because shopping last minute for presents is something else I foolishly do). Before you know it I have scanned half my items and forgot the silly Greek yogurt for a marinade I wanted to make. Literally the whole purpose of going to the store. I also spent over $75 on stuff I had no intention on buying.

Would my results have been different if I brought a list? Based solely on past experience I can confidently say yes they would have. Keep reading because I’m going to throw some good stuff your way.

When Do You Use a List?

This may seem like a dumb question, however I have learned that there is typically never a foolish question. Not never, sorry grammar police, but typically. There have been some foolish questions I have asked. But with a legal background, sometimes you just have to ask. Any who, here is a list of things you may want to consider making lists for (if you can add anything make sure you post it in the comments!).

  • Goals (THIS IS CRUCIAL! And has proven my father’s theory many times over!!)
  • Bucket list (Sort of like goals but with a bucket)
  • Grocery shopping
  • Chores
  • How something flows (directions/recipes I will read in list format all day, but if the recipe is like a 9 page story I am off that page faster than my boys when I say they can play a video game).
  • Hierarchy (Like baby names, “I like names in this order,” that way you can pick a first and middle easier – you’re welcome! FYI I was told I will never pick a child’s name, apparently Archemedus Bartholomew is too 15th century-ish)
  • Literally anything and if you’re a baseball coach like I was this past Fall your lineup and fielding roster (every kid should play somewhere different and learn, if you can’t do that don’t coach young kids) depends on it.
  • Your 20 favorite songs in case someone ever asks you – you can say “BAM let me go to my list”

Awesome life coaching hack number one has been satisfied. HOWEVER can it be used for the second awesome life coaching hack? You be the judge. (It really can and should honestly).

Awesome Life Coaching Hack #2 – The 5 Minute Rule!

If you need motivation or even a little bit of help with procrastination, this is a great tool to use or rule to follow and is surely one of the best life coaching hacks to get moving! It’s common in cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) technique. The main part of this is taking just FIVE minutes to commit to something!

So Coach, How Do We Do This Life Coaching Hack?

Simple, follow this list and boom. Done (MAYBE).

  • Set a timer on your laptop or phone, egg timer even, something. Set it for 5 minutes and 15 seconds.
  • Get ready, because when the time gets down to 5 minutes you are giving whatever you set yourself 5 minutes to do all your effort. Need to write a letter? Brainstorm for 5 minutes. Build a website? Design the blocks and what goes where. 5 minutes to start doing whatever you set out to do. It’s only 5 minutes, you got it!
  • After 5 minutes see how you feel, did you get enough done? Maybe, maybe not. BUT you started it and are in a good position to keep on going.

Why Does This Life Coaching Hack Work?

This life coaching hack takes on procrastination/getting started right at the toughest part – starting the task. What you’re doing is playing with your head, instead of saying “I need to write a whole letter?!” you see it as “it’s only 5 minutes”. Anytime you find yourself procrastinating, use this simple yet very effective life coaching hack!

beat procrastination with a great life coaching hack
You finished! Go ahead and pet me now.