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Poor Boundaries and Intimate Relationships, There’s Suffering Ahead! (3 Ways to See That Suffering Plus a Story)

Boundaries and intimate relationships go together like a building and it’s cornerstone (no log cabins here, let’s make my analogy work). Here we are with our newest segment in the Boundaries Book! You’ll read in this article how poor boundaries lead to a life that misses out on growth, fullness, and happiness. One way we learn in life is through having a constant to learn from. I will also be putting a short, hopefully entertaining, read together at the end.

life coach hack is a life coach worth it
My dog is on a chair she isn’t supposed to be on. No poor boundaries here, she got off and went on her chair. Pretty spoiled huh, she has her own chair! She’ll let you know if you’re sitting on it too.

Poor boundaries are almost like being rushed through basic math. When we are in kindergarten, we learn one plus one (maybe first grade) equals two and we learn how letters work together. Imagine if we didn’t have time to grasp that and understand how basic words and math work, we would constantly struggle through life! It’s my intention in this article to show you how poor boundaries are like a poor education.

Poor Boundaries in Intimate Relationships

One important factor in premarital counseling is boundaries I have read, I never took premarital counseling and if I had maybe I would have remained single instead. Boundaries and “roles” are important in relationships, they help the family operate. The roles will change periodically as situations change. When the situation changes, but the roles don’t, is where poor boundaries can really become an issue.

Although I have been a coach for what seems like ages, I have noticed some things around intimate relationships and poor boundaries. Poor boundaries in family typically lead to poor boundaries in relationships outside of the family. What’s weird now, maybe in the last 10 years is the amount of acceptance in having relationships that I call “hybrid relationships”. This is the relationship that has been born in the hookup culture we live in now. Did you know that I believe these relationships are worsening not only our culture, but our mental health?

I’m not sure where our need for these hookup relationships are coming from, although I do have my own theories. It could be (literally) hookup apps like Tinder or Ashley Madison. They could also come from what we are listening too, our obsession with instant gratification, or the devil. Even birds will pick a mate to make a nest with, it’s natural and, without having poor boundaries, healthy to have one partner.

How Can we See Poor Boundaries in Relationships?

I’ll tell you off the bat that it will be tougher for you to see poor boundaries in your intimate relationships without either reflection, therapy, or coaching. Honestly, that may not be a bad order to follow (although not mandatory) if you are finding yourself unhappy or feeling no enrichment from your relationships. Although we’ve discussed codependency and if you can fix a codependent relationship previously we are adding a twist to it. You are going to see how poor boundaries influence or are influenced by a codependent relationship(s).

Poor boundaries and neediness.

If you think you see traits of codependency in this explanation you are right. The psychological word that describes neediness is codependency. Having poor boundaries is shown as neediness because we crave affection, interaction, and happiness from others. Although this is extremely rational and Maslow points out it’s psychologically healthy to want approval and affection poor boundaries will have us go about it in a detrimental way.

poor boundaries in relationship this image is of a doormat which is a type of codependency which shows problems in the relationship

With poor boundaries we can typically sacrifice our own needs and wants to get the “love”, which is what was mentioned above encompassed into a single word, we crave. We will also put our identity in that person or those people and blame them for our emotions and actions! I’m still researching it, because I’m a dork as mentioned above, but it seems as if this allows us to enter a state where we are living in a victim mentality and that person’s job is to save us. When they fail at that, the poor boundaries we are living with help bring out the codependent tendencies such as bitterness and resentment.

As we have seen previously, the giver and taker are almost magically drawn together due to their personalities. Neediness is also shown in the need to save someone, and I can relate to this as I was there myself. What ends up happening is we feel bad because of their emotions or actions because we take the blame for them!

Expectations and poor boundaries

This is another sign that you have poor boundaries, and also teeters on the idea of neediness (seems like all of these symptoms work together, doesn’t it? Hmm….). Have you ever received something from someone and although you liked it the value of it was instantly gone when you find out why you received it? Poor boundaries show with unrealistic expectations and ulterior motives. When something is given or done for people with the expectation of something or assumption you will get something in return the value is lost.

I was speaking with my great friend and sponsor about this. He mentioned we would typically do something but it always had a price tag. We wanted either a thank you or praise for what we had just done. This isn’t healthy and in relationships with poor boundaries it shows when someone is saving someone. It typically isn’t because they care about the person or the issue, but that they want the receiver to feel better about the giver. I will explain this in the video below (way below, keep reading about poor boundaries eould ya?).

Have you ever seen someone who seems to be around drama no matter the place or situation, there’s just drama following them? The most likely culprits for this, yeah it’s them – or you – are that person involving themselves in everyone else’s business or they are actually creating the problem themselves. Sounds crazy right, why would anyone even dream of creating a problem when there are no issues?! That’s what this section is all about.

The individual could be creating problems when there are none so that they can look like the hero. Where I mentioned that we help with a price tag, this is what I am talking about. The problem is there so they can fix it and get all the love and positive emotions they are craving. In more advanced situations, this becomes a sign of serious disorders one that comes to mind was the psycho nurse who would have to come and save people or babies because they were dying – because of her. If you can’t tell, not fixing poor boundaries can lead to serious consequences way worse than those mentioned above or in other articles!

Back to creating the problem or always being involved in the drama, something that may not be noticed by the perpetrator doing it is they become “ugly”. Instead of being seen as a hero in a nice tapered cape, they are seen negatively as unattractive, unwelcoming, or that person nobody wants to be around. Then more people need to have problems around them because as mentioned in the paragraph above this personality issues can easily become exacerbated if not addressed. That actually leads into the last section, the viscous cycle of poor boundaries.

Poor boundaries can create a viscous cycle – can you relate?

For a quick second picture a garden with a few weeds in it; what happens if you don’t tend to those weeds? Eventually you have a forest (literally because maple trees spring up EVERYWHERE out here) full of weeds you have to go through or else you don’t enjoy the beauty of your garden, right? The viscous cycle of poor boundaries is so similar it’s insane, that and I can be pretty handy with analogies.

As with most relationships with poor boundaries and as seen typically with codependency (which is a cause of and also could stem from poor boundaries – seeing how it all acts as a cycle yet?) we have a giver and a taker. Or we have a victim (receiver/taker) and a saver (giver) and oddly enough, because it makes no rational sense but is literally the cycle (eerily similar to the progressiveness of addiction), they both get a weird high from this dysfunctional relationship. Just like the addict or the alcoholic (there is really no difference having lived that life aside from the substance) poor boundaries are typically part of a horrible roller coaster type of relationship!

With this cycle of poor boundaries, when it comes time to date someone who is emotionally healthy, they may seem really weird. The person who has the poor boundaries can often feel like there’s really no chemistry or excitement in the potential new relationship and it ends. This is because that poor boundaries cycle 1) hasn’t been addressed in the person with the poor boundaries and 2) does not fuel the cycle, it starts breaking it! So the potentially healthy relationship gets martyred for one where the victim and saver role can be filled for that emotionally turbulent “fix”.

For a quick dose of geekness, let’s dive really quickly into attachment theory. The victim or receiver is typically the anxious-attachment types while the giver or saver is the avoidant-attachment type. And if you’re wondering, by the nature of attachment types they both repel secure attachment type of individuals. Poor boundaries seem like a drag so far, don’t they?

So how does this create a poor boundaries induced viscious cycle?

I’m glad you asked (not in a poor boundaries way where I created a problem…. oh forget it, it was slightly entertaining at least for me)! The cycle is fed here starting with bad habits or poor boundaries, sometimes one and sometimes both (man, people are weird by nature huh?). The victim has never had to, never tried, or for some even deeper underlying reason is unable to hold themselves accountable for their own feelings. Why don’t they change? That’s a story for another day (literally) but it is the danger of the comfort zone – they get used to having a weird comfort living this way.

The saver on the other hand has an issue with not solving other people’s problems! They can’t fathom a life where they are not needed to throw on their self perceived super hero cape and save the day, I mean that is how they perceive they feel love! Having these poor boundaries makes it very difficult for them to find joy and be satisfied without being the super hero. As mentioned above, change is scary for the saver as well!

Is There Hope for People With Poor Boundaries?

Oh there sure as greedy politicians raising taxes hope for people with poor boundaries! As I mentioned above it can be shown and seen as a viscous cycle and I related it to addiction. That is similar to how people who suffer from poor boundaries or intimate relationships with poor boundaries have to fix it. They need a new, fresh, healthier identity of themselves instead of being a giver/taker or victim/saver.

  • In addiction, we had to first realize stuff was out of control either by our own (which is often difficult hence the need for interventions)
  • a desire for things to improve
  • and begin implementing the changes to not be so codependent anymore!

It really is that easy to fix poor boundaries in a relationship, but having done it myself it really is that tough too. It is possible though and aside from our awesome course we ar

It is only when both start the process of building self-esteem that they can begin to eliminate needy behavior and make themselves more attractive.

Let’s look at a quick example told via short story about hookup relationships and poor boundaries.

Rachel (because I was reading Genesis this morning, no disrespect to any Rachel’s!) and Greg are both partiers, meaning they like to go out and party. They love going out and having fun. Little did they know they are soul mates!

Neither stay in relationships because they are too busy being self absorbed in the fun moment. Rachel has a desire for love and that old time “The Waltons” type of love. She keeps looking for love and has an average relationship of about 3 months. Even though she gives everything away, her body, her time, her emotions, whatever the guy wants she gives it she’s always sad and miserable always feeling used and abused.

Greg has no clue what he wants. He takes whatever he can get. One woman is never really enough for him. If his girl can’t go on a date with him, he brings a new one out. By the time he is 29 after living like this Greg has more kids than Abraham’s descendants (again, I read Genesis today). He meets Rachel and she’s alright with him having a trillion children even though he pays an entire paycheck for child support.

She’s not okay with him going out with random girls though, but he’s stuck around more than 3 months so she doesn’t say anything. She gives up whatever he wants, but Greg is used to just taking what he wants so there’s never a sense of gratitude.

Eventually Rachel starts getting resentments toward Greg. Why isn’t she enough? She cooks, cleans, satisfies him, the whole 9 yards.

A few years after all of this Greg meets a girl at a library because he decided to teach nerds how to have more fun (nerds rock, don’t take offense, keep being you – I am a proud cool dork myself). Greg meets a knock out that makes his heart flutter and they start hooking up. Greg gets everything he has done to Rachel and other women from this girl! Greg learned the hard way that living a free roaming life will get you nothing.

What about Rachel? Well Rachel decided to go to church after she had been wondering why her life was a wreck, she went last where she should have went first basically, and heard a sermon on how God sees us. Rachel began seeing herself this way and boom, she got married and lived happily ever after and ministers women on the importance of boundaries.

Greg never got satisfaction from his relationships. He refused to reflect and look at his mindset as well as actions. Rachel made the changes and lived a satisfying life without hooking up constantly. Although she lived in relationship after relationship with poor boundaries she put the work in and set healthy boundaries.

What do Greg and Rachel teach us about poor boundaries?

I should add they are both typical codependents. I can also add that I can relate in the most absurd ways, and like Rachel I do not live that way anymore. Without expressing your expectations, wants and needs you set yourself up to be stepped on regularly. Poor boundaries are going to get you stuck there. If you’re curious, Greg joined a traveling circus and cleaned elephant poop (I have no idea, you are allowed to make you own ending on this one).

Regardless, they paint a picture of what poor boundaries in intimate relationships look like. Eventually we will have enough and want change, but it is up to us to make change. Ask yourself this question, “do I want this to be the rest of my life?” If not, put our proven course to work! Click here so you can start living the life you want.

poor boundaries in relationships

Why are Personal Boundaries Good for You? There’s More Than 1 Reason You’ll Certainly Want Them!

So far we have dived into a few topics regarding personal boundaries. We have learned why we need personal boundaries, how to tell if we have boundary issues, and also what personal boundaries are. Today we are looking again at another topic from the Boundaries Book, why personal boundaries are good for you. This may seem similar to the first main article in the Boundaries Book, and it is. But this article will solely focus on the benefits of personal boundaries. Frame this topic as “what personal boundaries give you”.

Personal Boundaries Give Gifts!

Looking at what personal boundaries can give you versus why they are good for you, I have found in my practice as a life coach, make them easier to implement. Sure we all need them, but sometimes the want aspect to fulfilling is lacking. When the want is lacking, the potential of implementing them becomes even tougher (that is unless you grabbed our course, Lasting Change). So looking at the benefits of something and wanting them makes it easier to attain, in this case implement, them.

We all know vitamins and when needed medicine are good for us. How easy is it for us to remember to take them? What does CoQ10 even give me again (kidding, it’s great for heart health which is why I took it). Another example in realizing the difference is one of my children. James hates trying new things, this was very evident when he had a chicken nugget and fry diet and basically wrote off everything else. He eats broccoli now because it helps build up his immune system, I explained it as a missing piece to his “health puzzle”.

Have Self-Esteem Issues? Personal Boundaries May Be Your New Best Friend!

I was reading an issue of Forbes not that long ago (actually it was going on 3 years ago so maybe a bit of time ago) and noticed the relationship between self-esteem and personal boundaries. At first I thought that was interesting, but then I realized that Forbes caters to the business community and a weak leader is a huge issue (NO current president jokes regardless of the validity). I did some soul searching. I looked at my past life when I was a ruckus raising pain in the law’s butt. I was respected by everyone. I also had zero issue handing out punishment which led to that respect/fear.

I saw first hand that my boundaries helped me gain respect. I found something extremely interesting that I kept going back to in that article. The exact quote is below. “You define how you are going to be treated and how you are going to react”. I love quotes and that one is HUGE for me. The issue was, I didn’t want to be feared, just respected and appreciated.

So did I have to readjust my boundaries? To an extent. The funny thing is, when I was in relationships I wanted to be, I was walked over regularly. In the streets, nobody messed with me. I had to connect the dots somewhere and see what was wrong. The full quote below explained it perfectly.

Establishing personal boundaries reflects the way you take responsibility for your life. You define how you are going to be treated and how you are going to react. Of course, we can’t control every situation in our lives, but in many personal interactions, we have the ability to state, by word or deed, that certain behaviors by others will or will not be tolerated.

Svetlana Whitener

I found, through some step work and a lot of reflecting, I had boundaries but I picked and chose when I enforced them. I couldn’t physically harm a woman, that’s just not cool in my books, but they might leave! At that time I realized how completely codependent I really was. I started sticking to my guns (not literally this time) and said enough was enough. I lost my most relationship over it, but at the same time I was losing myself. My esteem was low and my boundaries with her were basically nonexistent.

The correlation had been found. Not only was the correlation between boundaries and my self esteem found, I also began finding I liked myself and was worthy of respect.

Your Boundaries Help Explain Who Your Are

There are three main types of boundaries I have found: emotional, physical, and mental. Although they are self explanatory, allow me to broaden each type a bit. Explaining each type of boundary will help to show you what I meant when I said boundaries can help to explain who you are.

Mental Boundaries and Why They Matter

Mental boundaries are what you hold upstairs in your noggin. Your wants and needs are found here. You can also find your beliefs and values hanging around the mental label area. Know what else makes up your mental boundaries? Your thoughts as well as opinions. So how can we have these violated and how do they affect our self esteem?

One thing we have to throw in here is a figurative crowbar, knowledge. This will effect how others view your opinion, thought process, as well as values. Take for instance the abortion debate. I was listening to someone argue for abortion and they explained that the fetus doesn’t feel pain so it really isn’t alive. In the medical community, her opinion raised eyebrows and wonder toward what she was reading. She was basically a big mouth with no knowledge toward the being of a fetus.

In fact, if you have an exposed nerve on a tooth, it would hurt right? I’ll let you have at that, it was just a good example of knowledge being imperative toward your thoughts and opinions. I really despise discussing politics personally. Again, having a lack of knowledge toward something will lower others view of you. I’ve also seen this lead to pointless arguments. When you have established mental boundaries, with knowledge, others will hold your discussions with more esteem!

What About Disagreement on Values and Beliefs?

Ahh yes, a fighting tool for Christians! First we should have a good understanding of what a value and belief is. A value is something you believe is important. A belief is a trust or faith in something. Those are the most toned down definitions I could think of. It’s also where a lot of Christians do the opposite of what God wants! As a Christian Life Coach, I had to bring this one up (also a big reason I get numerous secular/atheist clients!). We are not to shove our beliefs down anyone’s throats.

mental boundaries

I have great reasons for my faith (belief) having huge importance (value) in my life. Now, my values and beliefs will differ from many other Christians. In discussing them, I like to first get a good understanding for why others believe a certain way. This includes the thoughts that make up their opinions and such. I have no issue explaining my points even if they aren’t aligned or even run contrary to someone else’s. I also realize they are mine. I don’t engage with people when they belittle my God, I pray for them instead and either end or change the conversation.

Many Christians feel they have to save someone, and while we do play a small part in it, we plant a seed, their thought is not very biblical. Would I correct them in that argument? Sure, with Scripture that I believe would help them. However, I would respect their beliefs and values (their mental boundaries) and pray for them to understand the truth being Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).

Emotional Boundaries are Just as Important as Mental Boundaries

They are, and you know what emotional boundaries are right? Just in case, let’s clarify what we are talking about here. Emotional boundaries are your feelings, choices, and decisions. If you are emotionally healthy, you’re probably going to make wise decisions. A decision is a choice. A choice is what you picked from your options. Sometimes you only have one choice. Feelings are a bit different, we aren’t talking about me having no feeling in my left thigh, but rather that I’ve enjoyed a relatively peaceful life since January.

So how do we regulate emotional boundaries, especially when we have no control over the feelings of others? That’s actually easier than you may think! We can certainly regulate our emotional boundaries even if we can’t regulate the emotional boundaries of others. Going back to that quote above, it is what we allow.

emotional freedom how to handle resentment against someone

For instance, I am living the single life. One thing I didn’t like was negativity around me. When negativity was around me it was tough to be my typical free spirit! I would argue back rather than discuss and her emotions typically rubbed off on me. I allowed my emotional boundaries to be regularly violated. It was literally either her or me in my own life. We protect our emotional boundaries by not letting emotions, choices, or decisions we are against dictate our life.

Granted there will be times where we have no say in the matter, like if your husband decided it was time for an affair. However, even in that situation there are areas you can regulate your emotional boundaries! You can either forgive him and fix the marriage with the caveat that next time he’s out or part ways and love him from a far. Regardless, you have your boundaries toward what you will or won’t allow.

Making moves, choices, or decisions when it comes to emotional well being interacts with self-esteem in a big way. When you realize your emotional boundaries and how you enforce those boundaries there’s a good chance you may, even if you are sad, feel empowered. When you allow yourself to feel those feelings, your self-esteem should rise with it!

How About Physical Boundaries?

This one is touchy, get it? We are not talking about property lines here, although we actually are to an extent actually. Physical boundaries are your personal space. This is an area I can see easily how people respect me. I have a specific chair in my living room, and my dog is trained not to get on it. I let her for a while, but then I couldn’t take her trying to warn everyone in a 90 mile proximity that a leaf was blowing down the street. She wants to get on the chair, but all she does is look at me and get on the couch instead. My dog respects my physical boundaries.

physical boundaries are important

There’s a saying that says (that reads interestingly to me) “home is where the heart is.” I love that saying, but I have my own, “home is where your peace is.” For a while I never wanted to be in my home. When I was, I was typically drunk to escape my environment (and apparently early trauma which is another story for another day). This happened with a few relationships, and even company. My kids ran amok and would never clean their mess, nor would the adults or their kids I was in a relationship with. My house was constantly nothing but chaos.

As I discussed when going over codependency, when physical boundaries are enforced, there will be uncomfortable situations. I gained a lot from the transition. My dog is happier and barks less, my kids help clean more. I thoroughly enjoy working from my home office now, although I do leave my house I look forward to coming back to it.

“My Body, My Choice”

When you receive respect, especially within your physical boundaries/personal space you feel a sense of respect. But what about your most intimate personal space, your body and it’s proximity. Look briefly at a rape victim, I have met many and I am one myself (females can rape too). When our personal space is violently intruded we feel a plethora of negative emotions and feelings. To say our self-esteem drops is a gross understatement.

One thing we should have absolute control of is our body. We shouldn’t even have absolute control of it, but it rather should be seen as sovereign. Of the three different types of boundaries, I ask almost, if not, all the time if they have seen a therapist or even considered it. Can you survive rape? Sure, you can have a full life but it’s one of those things you can’t pretend never happened. I feel rape or sexual assaults show the extreme importance of keeping your physical boundaries safe.

How Can We Make Sure Our Physical Boundaries Stay Safe?

Even More Ways Enforcing Boundaries Can Reward You

boundaries why boundaries are important

We have already covered a good amount. We have discussed self-esteem, the types of boundaries and their importance, as well as a slew of other topics. I feel like that guy from the old commercials when I say, “but wait, there’s more!” and oh boy, there are more ways that enforcing your boundaries can help you.

You Are You, Your Self-Worth Is Important!

Our self-worth is crucial to our health. I won’t go in depth on the topic yet, but I will in the future, however I do need to touch briefly on it. Our identity is comprised of too many factors to count in this article. Some of those we have already discussed being our value set as well as emotional make-up. This is where enforcing boundaries becomes very important.

There’s a character trait that I have seen in many people when it comes to boundaries; something I’ve called the “doormat syndrome”. This is when people are constantly walked all over and it is typically how people view themselves or others. With the “doormat syndrome” you’ll hear things like “oh, it’s only Jerry, he won’t care. Even if he does he won’t say anything about it.” Can you relate or have you said that about someone?

If you can relate to that, I bet you probably don’t feel very good afterward, right? Maybe you take offense to it, but at the end of the day is that who you are? Without enforcing your boundaries it is going to be seen as you being a pushover. This is where identity and boundaries gets tricky, how do we fix it?

We fix , set, and enforce out boundaries cautiously. Having overly rigid or gargantuan boundaries are not going to benefit you or anyone else. Take for instance a man who get cheated on by a rich Caucasian woman, would it make sense for him to take offense any time a rich Caucasian woman approached him? Of course not. Unreasonable boundaries can also be seen in racism, people of a certain color can’t approach you? That’s foolish.

This is not to say there is anything wrong with preference. However when we have reasonable boundaries we will, as I said earlier, see higher self esteem and not be viewed as a welcome mat. Sometimes setting boundaries will be tough, however I have great respect for people who enforce them when I try and break their boundaries, typically accidentally. If they explain how they feel with grace and upfrontness (yes I made that word up) I’ll admire their sense of self worth.

Enjoy the Peace!

I mentioned before I hate chaos. I may not have said it in those words, but I absolutely abhor chaos and confusion. I’m hard of hearing in an eye and my brain works “differently”. Even the smallest noise can throw me off track at times. ADHD is not any fun, but I deal with it perfectly fine. So how can we enjoy peace by enforcing boundaries?

self mindset coaching technique ruth bell graham epitaph tombstone life coaching and using positive self talk

We won’t feel guilt when we have to tell a coworker we can’t cover their shift. When we have a full day, we can say “maybe not, but I will let you know” so we can wind down quickly. Granted sometimes life will throw, well, life at us and that’s okay because everything passes. If it keeps coming back, we probably need to look at and adjust our boundaries again which is fine. Don’t forget about Ruth Graham’s tombstone!

Who REALLY Needs Boundaries?

I’ll make this easy, anyone who wants peace of mind and more tranquility in their life is going to need boundaries. Boundaries are a critical element for people in recovery, to this I speak with experience as a helper as well as someone in recovery. We typically, speaking to the addiction community, have poor or unhealthy boundaries – I surely did.

As I mentioned before, self worth and identity are awesome rewards for enforcing boundaries. Most addicts, in recovery or not, don’t have the best view of themselves. We stress over tomorrow and yesterday and if you think that sounds crappy, it really is. Enforcing healthy boundaries will allow that to increase although we like “normies” have to put the work in to get there. It is so absolutely doable though.

Regain Control!

When we have, set, and enforce healthy boundaries we are able to do really cool things. One of those is to regain control of our lives. It may seem like, and that is because it’s true, we really are out of control when we do not enforce healthy boundaries. Aside from getting figuratively stepped on, we also have to deal with other things. We are more prone to have people pour their hearts out to us when we are not mentally or emotionally able to comfort them.

Peace with healthy boundaries is also given in the form of reduction. We will typically argue a lot less when we have good boundaries. Why? Because we aren’t settling for that anymore and that’s okay. We are bringing us into relevance in our own lives!

What About You and Your Boundaries?

Take a few minutes and really think about what you need for boundaries in your life. I have to pay the bills and will plug the absolute success Lasting Change has had in helping people with minor or major boundary issues! Click here and grab it, especially if you think you need help with boundaries (that is one of my fortes). It’s a great course and you also get discounted coaching rates not available anywhere else! Grab it today because I haven’t decided how long it will remain at that price. As of now it looks like mid-September, however it really is about the help and not the profit and I absolutely believe in it that much.

Reflect on your boundary issues, or places where you could even be too rigid! If you have noticed a difference once you set boundaries let us know in the comments below!